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Standard Issue Weblog Features

This is a regular paragraph with bold text, italic text, and underlined text. You can also use inline code within a paragraph.


You can use different levels of headers:

This is H3

This is H4

This is H5
This is H6


Here's an unordered list:

  • First item
  • Second item
  • Third item with bold
  • Fourth item with italics

Here's an ordered list:

  1. First numbered item
  2. Second numbered item
  3. Third numbered item with underlining
  4. Fourth numbered item with code

Code Blocks

Here's a code block with Python:

def hello_world():
    print("Hello, World!")
    for i in range(5):
        print(f"Count: {i}")

And one with PHP:

function greet($name) {
    echo "Hello, " . htmlspecialchars($name);


Here's how blockquotes look:

This is a blockquote. It can contain multiple lines and will be styled with a left border. You can use **bold** and *italic* here too.


You can include images like this (assuming they're in the right directory):

![Sample Image](images/sample.jpg)

Multiple Paragraphs

This is the first paragraph.

It continues on this line because single line breaks are ignored.

This is a second paragraph because it's separated by a blank line.

See how the spacing works?

Combining Elements

Here's a blockquote that contains a list: * Item one * Item two * Item three

And finally, here's a paragraph with all inline elements: bold, italic, underlined, and code all in one place.


Test post append.

The start of something smol

This is the inaugratory post for the timnetworks blog, as well as for the smolBlog page. A very simple blog that uses markdown, allows for some simple media, permalinks, pagination -- that's it. No requirements file. No installation procedure. Just drag and drop and nobody asks for you to sign in using the account of a company that has nothing to do with this interaction.

Example image "Oh look, it's a picture!"

More information can be found here.

© 2025 timnetworks corporation. | This project is on Github under the MIT license. | New post